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There’s holiday blues, there’s travel blues, and then there’s the HAGGiS holiday blues. Aye, it’s a real thing, and if you’ve been on tour with us, you know exactly what we’re talking about. When you leave Scotland, you carry a wee bit with you, always. You find yourself pining for that feeling of Deep Scottish Love; the wild scenery, awesome stories, hilarious bus banter, and hostel shenanigans.

Our tours are where strangers become friends, all united under the same clan, on a mission to have epic experiences in Scotland. When your clan disassembles, and everyone returns home or continues travelling, a wee bit of separation anxiety is perfectly normal. If you’re still on Struggle Street, and cannae shake the HAGGiS holiday blues, we have prepared some coping strategies to sort you right out. You might want to take some notes.

Flick through your tour photos, and reminisce on the good times. Depending on the severity of your Scotland withdrawal symptoms, you may wish to have a box of tissues and a tub of Ben & Jerry's at the ready. Once you have consoled yourself, share your best photos on Instagram using #haggisadventures so that we can reminisce with you.

Immerse yourself in all things Scottish. Stepping off the tour bus doesn’t need to signal the end of your relationship with Scotland. Keep the Deep Scottish Love alive! Watch some Scottish films; Braveheart for great entertainment and terrible historic accuracy, Outlaw King for awesome filming locations and decent historic accuracy, and The Angels’ Share for whisky and laughs.

For even more laughs check out Scottish comedians Limmy and Kevin Bridges, and for modern Scottish music have a wee listen to Glasgow’s home-grown talent Gerry Cinnamon.

Our next tip will really capture your senses. If you can’t be in Scotland, bring Scotland to you! You just need a wee bit of imagination, to recreate scenes from your Scottish adventure. Find a mate to drive you along some winding roads, close your eyes, and play ‘I would walk 500 miles’. BOOM, you’re basically back on the tour bus! Similarly, you could drink a can of Irn Bru while standing in the frozen food section of your local supermarket or throw a tartan toga party with freestyle ceilidh dancing for you and your besties. You’re welcome.

Now, it’s important to remember that you don’t have to suffer alone - it’s more than likely others are going through exactly the same. This is the perfect excuse to stay in touch with your tour buddies, and relive the memories - even the hazy ones. Set up a Facebook group for your tour, follow us on Instagram, and maybe even suggest arranging a reunion. Any excuse for a wee party!

While all of the above will dramatically reduce the effects of the HAGGiS holidays blues, years of research has shown that the most effective cure is to come back to Scotland! Why not take a longer tour to the remote Outer Hebrides, or party with Vikings at Up Helly Aa on Shetland? There are so many awesome places to see, and we’d love to show you. Just saying.

Anyway, get well soon.

